
2012年9月-2015年6月,陕西师范大学,药物分析学, 硕士学位
1. 生物药物分析与表征研究
2. 样品前处理技术与方法研究
Quality&Safety of Medicine (留学生)
1. 江苏省自然科学基金青年科学基金(BK20200908),2020.07-2023.06, 主持
2. 江苏省“双创博士”项目(世界名校类), 2020.09-2022.08, 主持
3. 江苏省高等学校自然科学研究面上项目(20KJB350011),2020.12-2022.12, 主持
4. 江苏大学高级人才科研启动基金 2019.09-2022.08,主持
1. Siyao Liu; Xinyue Fu; Ronny Löffler; Michael Lämmerhofer*; In‐situ photopolymerized polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane‐derived monolithic capillary columns with quinidine functionality for enantioseparation by nano-liquid chromatography, Electrophoresis, 2019, 40: 3132-3139.
2. Siyao Liu; Michael Lämmerhofer*; Functionalized gold nanoparticles for sample preparation: A review, Electrophoresis, 2019, 40: 2438-2461.
3. Siyao Liu; Elisabeth Haller; Jeannie Horak; Marlene Brandstetter; Thomas Heuser; Michael Lämmerhofer*; Protein A- and Protein G-gold nanoparticle bioconjugates as nano-immunoaffinity platform for human IgG depletion in plasma and antibody extraction from cell culture supernatant, Talanta, 2019, 194: 664-672.
4. Siyao Liu; Jeannie Horak; Markus Höldrich; Michael Lämmerhofer*; Accurate and reliable quantification of the protein surface coverage on protein-functionalized nanoparticles, Analytica Chimica Acta, 2017, 989: 29-37.
5. Siyao Liu; Markus Höldrich; Adrian Sievers-Engler; Jeannie Horak; Michael Lämmerhofer*; Papain-functionalized gold nanoparticles as heterogeneous biocatalyst for bioanalysis and biopharmaceuticals analysis, Analytica Chimica Acta, 2017, 963: 33-43.
6. Siyao Liu; Markus Höldrich, Helmut Hinterwirth, Michael Lämmerhofer*; Gold Nanoparticle-Based Immobilized Enzyme Reactors: Straight forward and Accelerated Sample Preparation in Protein and Biopharmaceuticals Analysis. ChromFood Forum 2017, 04, 12-15
7. Siyao Liu; Huan Wang, Tian He; Liang Qi; Zhiqi Zhang*; Sensitive fluorimetric assays for a-glucosidase activity and inhibitor screening based on β-cyclodextrin-coated quantum dots. Luminescence, 31(1), 96-101.
8. Kip, C. *, Liu, S., Fu, X., Tuncel, A., Lämmerhofer M., In-situ photopolymerized C4-functionalized organosilicon monoliths for reversed-phase protein separation in nano-liquid chromatography
9. Höldrich, M., Liu, S., Epe, M., & Lämmerhofer, M Taylor dispersion analysis, resonant mass measurement and bioactivity of pepsin-coated gold nanoparticles. Talanta, 167, 67-74.
10. Wang, H., Liu, S., Lv, X. J., Ma, R., & Zhang, Z. Assembly of a Fe–pamoate porous complex on magnetic microspheres for extraction of sulfonamide antibiotics from environmental water samples. Analytical Methods, 7(12), 4939-4946.